
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Blue Film for Minor 2

I wanted to send him home.

But he told me, “My mom told me not to follow strangers. So I am walking home.”

At least, I know that his parents taught him the right thing.

I went to his mother’s office, introduced myself and told her what happened.

She was shocked!

“No wonder, I always see that my CD was not in order. It changed places all the time. I thought my husband did it.”

“Sorry that I asked. Where did you put all those CD’s?”

“In my bedroom, on the top self of my cabinet. There is no way that he could know about the existance of the CD’s”

“You must have underestimated your son’s intelligence.”

“What have I done? He’s only 11 years old.”

“Only you know the answer.” I told her.

“What do you think is the best I could do?”

I advised her, “Throw away all the CD’s. What happened had happened.”

“Send your son to see the school counselor and next time please be very careful with adult materials. Children of this era have a very high sense of curiosity.”

After the meeting, I bought my son a cartoon movie. He watched it. He never asked me about blue film any more.

He is now 22 years old. Blue film. A very big question mark on my mind.

CIKGUTANYA: Parents, be careful.

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