
Friday, May 21, 2010

French Bread II

“I looked at the picture of Eiffel Tower in the magazines. It was not beautiful at all. Our Parliament building (the highest building in Malaysia at that time) is much more captivating sir. That’s my feeling.” Ali told the teacher.

“You are stupid!”.

“The European city is so beautiful. Everything is beautiful,” retorted the teacher.

“What about the girls sir?”

“They are beautiful too. They are all very stylish.”

“But sir, they don’t wash their private part and buttocks when they answer the call of nature. They just wiped with paper!”

The whole class laughed.

I could see that our geography teacher tried very hard to hold his anger. The rest of us was so scared that our friend Ali would be slapped by our teacher.

“Your know what, back to the story of French bread. You can dip it in hot tea and eat it, or just eat it with butter or jam.”

He continued, “When I was in Paris recently, I always carry this bread with me as a weapon. If anybody has bad intention towards me, I will knocked his head with it, like this.!

He then knocked Ali’s head with the bread.

CIKGUTANYA: Nobody complained then. Today, teachers cannot even stare at the student let alone physical contact.

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