
Sunday, May 16, 2010


I like to ask my students what they would like to be once they leave school.

“I want to be a teacher so that I could teach in the rural area.”

“I want to be a doctor because it is my parents wish.”

“I want to be a lawyer because my father and mother are also lawyers.”

“I don’t have any ambition yet, I’m still thinking.”

“I want to be a singer. I have the voice and talent. I had won a few singing competition.”

“I want to be a businessman. I’m going to sell fruits at the wholesale market.”

When his turned was up this boy said,
“I want to be a policeman”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because if I got shot in my line of duty, my parents will be getting RM 25,000/= as compensation for my death”

CIKGUTANYA: Gulp! Dear merciful God!


  1. reminded me of the poem...two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and i took the one less travelled by,and that has made all the difference...-Robert Frost-
