
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Schizophrenia 2

Her son was studying in the same school.

He took the boys attitude towards his mother, very badly.

He didn’t like it and used to have verbal confrontations with the boys.

Sometimes he got into a fight with them just to defend his mother.

He hated the words splashed on the wall of the toilet about his mother.

He was then in Form One (13 years old).

For two years he suffered the wrath of the boys and he just couldn’t take it. He turned schizophrenic. He will talk alone, smile alone as if he is in his own world. Sometimes he turned violent.

Salwa and her husband have done everything to make their son normal but failed.

He is now under the supervision of a doctor.

“I didn’t know that my son would take it so seriously about what the boys think or do to me.”

“He was just ok, but truthfully, it disturbed him terribly. I didn’t notice it.”

“What I remember was, he turned quiet and reserved lately. He started talking to himself recently.”

“And at one point he took a knife and put it on my throat and said that he wanted to kill me. He said he heard voices asking him to do it. If I knew it was due to the school environment, I would have him transferred to another school.”

CIKGUTANYA: The price a teacher has to pay in line of her duty.

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